Cotton wool – can we make this hairdressing necessity more eco?

Hairdressers use a fair amount of cotton wool and we got the major guilts when we bought these bags the other day, so Heather started to do a bit of research to find out if we could make changes to be more eco-friendly! Turns out, cotton wool for the hairdressing industry is not 100% cotton,… Read more about Cotton wool – can we make this hairdressing necessity more eco?

Summer Hair

Summer hair: the gloss you never thought you’d get It’s finally reached that time of year when you can swap your wool coat for a lightweight jacket, splurge on some new sunnies and switch your boots for that favorite pair of sandals. A welcome change of weather can often too bring with it the desire… Read more about Summer Hair

Sustainable beauty: a culture worth investing in

If you’re anything like us, your passions for being ethically and environmentally conscious drive your core beliefs and actions. While you might think that you’ve covered all bases with this influence filtering through your supermarket shop and wardrobe, we’re glad to inform you that stylists across the globe have made a case for the necessity… Read more about Sustainable beauty: a culture worth investing in